Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tech Decks?? What Are They???

Just, Walked into Toysrus at Paragon looking for a deck of cards and by the cashier I found many miniature skateboards that were about 3 inches long. I was curios so I bought one of these little skate boards for S$5.

After doing some research online apparently you can do ollies and kickflips with these.

These 'Tech Decks' also resemble the skateboards in 'Touch Grind' an iPhone App available on the app store. In this app you try to do tricks in a skate park to earn points to unlock new skate boards.

Even after reading many How-To's I couldn't do a single trick. But if somehow I do, rest assured I will keep you posted.

Back to Tech Decks...

Beneath the mass of these miniature boards I saw some ramps that you put together and 'ride' with your tech deck.

When I came back home I opened the package and inside to my surprise were a double sided screwdriver and bolt tightener thing...

What do YOU think???
Click HERE for a photo gallery of tech decks

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